– Lynly Mader –
BAppSc (Occupational Therapy)
Diploma of Infant Mental Health

Member of AAOT & WAIMH

Lynly has over 30 years working with families experiencing multiple adversities. In this time she has worked both within Mental health and Paediatric settings, within inpatient, outpatient and community development programs.

Lynly has taught at both at an undergraduate and postgraduate level, with both Medical and allied health professionals.  Her work has been presented both within Australia and Internationally. She has contributed to several published works that focus on Maternal emotional health and Parent/ Infant relationships.

Lynly has a commitment  to multidisciplinary approaches to feeding difficulties and  to respecting the knowledge  of parents within practice.  Within the last 18 years her focus has been on supporting parents whose children have diagnoses or are in circumstances that have made parenting a challenge.  Feeding difficulties and conditions that threaten the health and development of one’s child are highly stressful  and the effort required to manage behaviours can be difficult to sustain. Lynly works with parents to help them be in the best position to help their children achieve in developmental areas of feeding, sleeping and emotional regulation /arousal.