Entries by Blu Cruiser

Language at mealtimes

The language we use at mealtimes can have a significant impact on our children. Feeding is based on relationships and trust for both the parent and the child. If parents are feeling stressed and anxious about mealtimes, children will too. It’s important to keep mealtimes calm, happy, and as stress-free as possible. Focus on making […]

Back to School Lunch

Navigating the back-to-school hustle can be both thrilling and a tad overwhelming, especially when it comes to tackling the enigma that is the school lunch box. As parents gear up for another academic journey, a barrage of questions floods the mind – from the ever-elusive lunch box expectations to pondering over what their classmates are […]

Tube Feeding

Tube feeding, also known as enteral feeding, is an alternative way of providing nutrition and fluid if a person is unable to eat or drink enough to play, learn, grow, or thrive. Tube feeding may be used in addition to any food/drink a person can eat or drink for themselves or it may replace it […]

Fresh, Frozen or Tinned? A Dietitians guide to veggies.

Fresh, frozen or tinned veggies – is there a difference? The answer is… yes… and no. Frozen and tinned vegetables often have a bad reputation for not being as nutritious as their ‘fresh’ counterparts. Frozen vegetables are often picked and frozen at their peak – so they are often at their best if you’re looking […]

Language around food

Language can play an important role in your child’s relationship with food, and it’s often something we overlook as adults. When we label foods as “good” or “bad”, “healthy” or “unhealthy”, or simply “junk foods”, we inadvertently create a moral judgment around food choices. If a food is labelled as “bad” – does that make […]

Filling Snacks

Grazing on snacks or foods across the day lead to irregular eating patterns and make if difficult to regulate hunger and appetite cues for children (and adults!). To key to help kids feel full and satisfied between meals is offering filling snack options. A good formula to keep in mind when thinking of filling snack […]

Encouraging Kids to Try New Foods with Dips and Sauces

Introducing children to a diverse range of foods can be a challenging task. One delicious strategy to encourage your child to explore a new food is the use of dips and sauces. These not only enhance the taste of familiar foods but can act as a gateway to fostering a positive attitude towards trying new […]

Guide to Food Safety

Food safety tips – Taken from Food Safety Information Council https://www.foodsafety.asn.au/ Clean: Remember the 20/20 rule: wash hands for 20 seconds with warm soapy water dry hands for 20 seconds before starting to cook repeat frequently especially after handling raw meats, or vegetables with visible soil. Wash utensils and cutting boards with soap and warm […]

Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding

An essential framework to consider during mealtimes and meal preparation is the “Satter Division of Responsibility in Feeding” model, developed by Ellyn Satter, a registered dietitian and family therapist (2015). This model aims to foster a healthy relationship between children and their bodies by encouraging them to trust their hunger and fullness cues. It outlines […]

Reasons why your child might hate vegetables…

Image: Makes and Takes 2012 You probably know that vegetables are an important part of well rounded, healthy diet. You have probably been told to “eat your veggies” as a child, and you’re probably now saying the same thing to your own children too. Veggies pack a lot of goodness that our bodies need to […]