nasogastric tube; tube feeding; tube dependency, tube weaning, tubies ||

I often receive referrals from families who have been told their tube fed child has ‘oral aversion’. As discussed in an earlier blog, oral aversion refers to babies and children who do not want to put anything (or very limited things) in their mouth or sometimes even near their face.

What’s more important to you and your family – an enjoyable family mealtime or your child eating the balanced nutritional diet that is drummed into us? It’s a really hard question…..of course we strive for both as they are both so important. However what often happens in children who have restricted food choices is a) […]

What is oral aversion and how do I help my child overcome it? |

Children who struggle to try new foods, eat new textures or even put toys / food in their mouth are frequently diagnosed as having ‘oral aversion’. Basically this means they do not want to put anything (or very limited things) in their mouth or sometimes even near their face. I have worked with babies who […]