There are many different nutrients that our body needs for good growth and development. A common nutrient that we hear about is iron; but why is iron important? This post will discuss the importance of iron for growing children, the key signs of iron deficiency and how to encourage iron intake in children with feeding […]

It is common for children with feeding challenges to drink small amounts water, eat minimal fruit and vegetables and get stomach pains and constipation. Being constipated can result in pain when needing to go to the bathroom and low appetite, therefore reducing the willingness of children to try new foods. One nutrient which can help […]

mealtimes at childcare; eating with kids

Prior to working as a Speech Pathologist and Feeding Therapist, I spent ten years working as an Early Childhood Educator in child care and as a Preschool Teacher. In these settings, food was provided, cooked by an in-house cook and shared by children at mealtimes. Over the years, I met many children who found mealtimes […]