Image: Makes and Takes 2012 You probably know that vegetables are an important part of well rounded, healthy diet. You have probably been told to “eat your veggies” as a child, and you’re probably now saying the same thing to your own children too. Veggies pack a lot of goodness that our bodies need to […]

Image: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / Blend Images / Getty Images “Picky” can be a useful word to describe a child who eats a limited variety of food. However, it can become problematic when children start to internalise the idea of pickiness. If a child has a fixed mindset that being a picky eater is […]

Tips to make sure mealtimes are a good experience for families Make mealtimes calm and relaxed You (as the parent) decide what, when, and where your child eats Your child decides how much they eat, or if they eat at all Don’t coax or bride your child to eat Meals should only last up to […]